Cambridgeshire Police Campaign to Stop Drink Driving After 250 Arrests

Cambridgeshire Police carrying out road checks. (Source Cambridgeshire Constabulary)
A campaign was introduced to crack down on drunk driving after police made 650 arrests this year.
Cambridgeshire police made 812 arrests last year related to drunk driving, this year, the numbers are significantly lower.
Data from the Home Office revealed Cambridgeshire police breath-tested nine divers per 1,000 members of the country last year.
Police said 230 people were either killed or injured on the road since 2022.
PC Sam Sparks from the road policing unit said, “Knocking at someone’s door at any time of the year to tell them the life-changing news that their family member will not be coming home is difficult, especially at Christmas.”
“One incident which will always stay with me is where a drunk driver and their child died on Christmas day – being the one to tell the family this news was heartbreaking.”
Officers carried out roadside checks while out on parole and managed to stop more than 100 motorcyclists.
PC Nick Southern, Cambridgeshire Constabulary’s casualty reduction officer, said, “I hope our work has made drivers think twice about getting behind the wheel while under the influence, and we also aimed to highlight how long alcohol can remain in your system.”
“Even a small amount of alcohol can affect your driving ability. If you’re drinking, even if you have just one, arrange another way of getting home.
“Our officers can’t be everywhere, but they could be anywhere, so please don’t gamble with your life or your future by drink driving. It’s really not worth the risk.”
The “DES Scheme”
As part of the campaign, the police, with the help of local pubs and the 41 venues, will promote the “I’m DES” scheme all December.
The scheme will offer designated drivers free or discounted draught soft drinks.
Southern said, “We’re pleased to see so many pubs and venues supporting the ‘I’m DES’ campaign this year.”
The plan, initiated by the Vision Zero Road Safety Partnership, aims to reduce the number of road collisions caused by intoxication during this festive season.
Southern added, “This year, with financial pressures, it’s been very tough for pubs and restaurants, but we are so grateful that they are on board, and their support will go a long way in keeping drink drivers off our roads.
“We would encourage people to take advantage of the scheme and help us make the roads of Cambridgeshire safer for everyone.”
To make Cambridgeshire safer for everyone, you can confidently report those you suspect of driving while under the influence.
The confidential hotline is 0800 032 0845 and is available 24/7. If someone is in immediate danger, always call 999.